City of Shawnee

Annual Budget Process

The City’s budget is the biggest policy decision the Governing Body dictates. Kansas cities budgets follow the calendar year budget cycle - January 1 through December 31.
Below is a general outline of the annual budget cycle:

 April 8 Council Committee
  • Presentation of 2023 Actuals (Pre-Audited)
 April 27

Governing Body Budget Retreat

  • Budget process review and calendar
  • State law review/(RNR) timing
  • Detailed budget overview that is currently online
  • Budget in Brief overview
  • CIP overview: Process, projects, etc.
  • Stormwater Utility Rate update and discussion
  • ARPA funds discussion
 May 13

Council Committee

  • Revenue Neutral Rate Discussion
  • Project Rollover Discussion
 May 28  

Council Committee

  • Propose Capital Improvement Program
  • Revenue Estimates
June 10  

Council Committee

  • Department Budget Presentations

City Council Meeting

  • Presentation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
June 24   

Council Committee

  • Chamber of Commerce: Economic Development Council & Visit Shawnee Update
  • Other Special Revenue Funds
  • Capital Improvement Program Update
  • Big Picture Review
  • Budget Wrap Up
July 8  

Council Committee

  • Big Picture Review
  • Budget Wrap Up

City Council Meeting

  • Revenue Neutral Rate Resolution (Due to County by 7/20)
  • Set Date for Revenue Neutral Rate Public Hearing
 July 22

City Council Meeting

  • Establish Budget Limit
  • Set Notice for Public Hearings
  • Adopt Capital Improvement Program
 July 30

Budget Open House 

  •  6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Shawnee Town Hall, 11600 Johnson Drive
 August 26   

City Council Meeting